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Eurogate in  Hungary
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Az Eurogate Logisztikai Csoport több mint 30 éve vezető szerepet tölt be a globális árufuvarozás terén.

  • Kreatív, testre szabott és rugalmas megoldások.
  • Közúti, vasúti, légi és tengeri szállítmányozás.
  • Nemzetközi irodahálózat – 13 iroda.
  • 150 munkatárs ügyfeleink kiszolgálására.

Speciális helyi piaci ismeretekkel rendelkezünk Európa szerte, a FÁK államok terültén és Közép-Ázsiában. Szolgáltatásaink a világ szinte bármely pontján elérhetők. Büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy ügyfeleink között a világ vezető nagyvállalatai és a közép- és kisvállalkozások egyaránt megtalálhatók.


number of turnover m EUR
number of loads +
Number of loads (Roads)
number of groupage +
Number of LTL + Groupage
Our Offices
London - Head office, UK
Jubilee House, 3 The Dr, Great Warley, Warley, Brentwood CM13 3FR, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 203 954 3333
London - Head office, UK
Jubilee House, 3 The Dr, Great Warley, Warley, Brentwood CM13 3FR, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 203 954 3333
Glasgow, UK
Glasgow 75 Bothwell Street, G2 6TS
Telephone: +44 1412 486 011
Glasgow, UK
Glasgow 75 Bothwell Street, G2 6TS
Telephone: +44 1412 486 011
Leeds, UK
One City West, Gelderd Road, Suite 1.03 & Suite 1.04 Leeds, LS12 6NJ
Telephone: +44 113 487 9999
Leeds, UK
One City West, Gelderd Road, Suite 1.03 & Suite 1.04 Leeds, LS12 6NJ
Telephone: +44 113 487 9999
Samara, RUS
RU443093, Russia, Samara, 1A Morisa-Toreza street, office 502
Telephone: +7 846 202 02 69
Samara, RUS
RU443093, Russia, Samara, 1A Morisa-Toreza street, office 502
Telephone: +7 846 202 02 69
Samara, RUS
RU443051, Russia, Samara, Alma-Atinskaya str., 29, bld.3, office 305
Telephone: +7 846 2783044
Samara, RUS
RU443051, Russia, Samara, Alma-Atinskaya str., 29, bld.3, office 305
Telephone: +7 846 2783044
Budapest - Központi iroda, HU
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 89.
Telephone: +36 1 889 2500
Budapest - Head office, HU
2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci út 61. B building
Telephone: +36 1 889 2500
Budapest - Replülőtér, HU
2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci út 61. B épület
Telephone: +36 1 297 2130
Budapest - Airport, HU
2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci út 61. B building
Telephone: +36 1 297 2130
Warsaw - Head office, PL
Łopuszańska street 95, 02-457 Warsaw
Telephone: +48 22 578 07 77
Warsaw - Head office, PL
Łopuszańska street 95, 02-457 Warsaw
Telephone: +48 22 578 07 77
Wrocław, PL
Armii Krajowej Avenue 61, 50-541 Wroclaw
Telephone: +48 71 336 51 03
Wrocław, PL
Armii Krajowej Avenue 61, 50-541 Wroclaw
Telephone: +48 71 336 51 03
Kraków, PL
Kuklińskiego street 17A 30-720
Telephone: +48 12 340 94 93
Kraków, PL
Kuklińskiego street 17A 30-720
Telephone: +48 12 340 94 93
Gdynia, PL
Pucka street 5, 81-036 Gdynia
Telephone: +48 58 785 33 11
Gdynia, PL
ul. Pucka 5, 81-036 Gdynia
Telephone: +48 58 785 33 11
Prague - Head office, CZ
Sokolovska 100/94, Praha 8, 180 00,
Telephone: +420 236 080 371
Prague - Head office, CZ
Sokolovska 100/94, Praha 8, 180 00,
Telephone: +420 236 080 371
Prague - Airport, CZ
Street Spejcharu 409, Tuchomerice, 252 67
Prague - Airport, CZ
Street Spejcharu 409, Tuchomerice, 252 67
Bratislava, SK
Tomasikova 26, Bratislava 82101
Telephone: +36 1 889 2500
Bratislava, SK
Tomasikova 26, Bratislava 82101
Telephone: +36 1 889 2500
Rotterdam, NL
Bijdorp Oost 5, NL-2992 LA Barendrecht
Telephone: +31 180 745 223
Rotterdam, NL
Kerklaan 10a, 2911 AD Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, Netherlands
Telephone: +31 180 745 223
Dover, UK
1 Cannon St, Dover CT16 1BY
Telephone: +44 203 954 3333
DnB’s „AAA” highest creditworthiness
September 13, 2023

The Hungarian office (Eurogate Logistics Ltd.) has the honour of being selected and certified by Dun & Bradstreet as one of the most financially stable companies in Hungary. [...]

Customs clearance service to and from the UK
September 30, 2022

Customs clearance can be overwhelming, and complicated causing delays and extra administrative tasks for you. [...]

Eurogate Logistics has been awarded an ecovadis bronze medal
June 10, 2022

Eurogate Logistics has been awarded a bronze medal as a recognition of its sustainability achievements [...]

Tranzit Conference in Suceava, Romania
June 10, 2022

Eurogate Ferries attended the Tranzit Conference in Suceava, Romania. [...]

Annual Ferry team meeting
June 3, 2022

Finally, after the long covid period, Eurogate organized a Ferry team meeting in Poland to discuss the recently launched ferry website and application. [...]

Vaccine transport
June 3, 2022

The supply of coronavirus vaccines began a few weeks ago. Much of the vaccine is transported by plane, but this requires serious preparation. [...]

Želivka Water Treatment Plant
November 6, 2020

Želivka Water Treatment Plant [...]

Eurogate Logistics CZ moves into their new office
November 2, 2020

Eurogate Logistics CZ moves into their new office [...]

HACCP certificate for Eurogate Logistics Poland
March 5, 2020

Eurogate Logistics Poland has been certified for HACCP on February 28, 2020. [...]

‘Gazele Biznesu’ reward for Eurogate Poland
January 8, 2020

Eurogate Logistics Sp. z o. o. has been honoured for the 6th consecutive time with ‘Gazele Biznesu’ – a prize for the most dynamic growing medium-size companies in Poland [...]

Eurogate Poland attends the 7th TransLogistica Exhibition
November 12, 2019

The International Transport and Logistics Exhibition in Warsaw – TransLogistica Poland is the biggest CEE business event for everyone professionally associated with transport, freight forwarding and logistics, as well as for all producers and distributors who use or seek transport and logistics services. [...]

Eurogate attends the ‘Wroclaw Business Run 2019’
September 12, 2019

Eurogate attends the ‘Wroclaw Business Run 2019’ which is the biggest charity relay-race organized in Poland [...]

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